- Leave all areas in a clean condition to prevent mould. Using disinfectant to clean surfaces and floors will help.
- Empty all perishable food stuff from the cupboards to prevent pests.
- Empty and switch off the fridge freezer, clean and ensure that it is dry and leave with the door/s slightly a jar.
- If you wish to leave tinned products in your home, lining the cupboards with paper can help to prevent tins from corroding.
- Unplug electrical appliances where possible. Locate and switch off the mains power.
- Once drained down leave all the taps open and place the shower head in the tray. Remove the shower mixer valve, put antifreeze in the toilets and down the plug holes. There are specialist nontoxic antifreeze that can be purchased for this purpose.
It is worth noting that permanent or semi-permanent residence during colder months can result in higher levels of condensation and possibly mildew particularly on walls and soft furnishings. The amount of moisture in the air varies with the temperature and colder air does contain less moisture. But cold air and moisture are a bad combination in winter as homes are often left unheated. This is especially true of homes in costal locations where the climate in damper than those inland. As condensation and mould are not covered by the warranty policy it is imperative that every effort is made to minimise condensation and subsequent damage.
Alleviating dampness and mould
- Making sure that air can circulate freely through your holiday home helps to prevent dampness and a musty smell from developing. It is a good idea to open all windows and to let fresh air in before closing and securing the widows for the winter months. If you visit during the colder months it is worth repeating this whilst you are there.
- Leave air vents open.
- Combat dampness by repositioning soft furnishings away from the wall allowing air to circulate. It is preferable to remove soft furnishings, if possible, but if they are to remain, they should be placed in the middle of the room, and mattresses and seat cushions should be stored on their side. It is worth considering storing bedding and other soft furnishings in vacuum sealed bags which are available at most supermarkets.
- You can also consider running the central heating for a short period twice a day to help to alleviate dampness and mould.
- Empty wardrobe and drawers and leave slightly open to allow air to circulate. It is preferable that clothes should be taken home but if clothes or bedding are to remain there should always be space for air circulation so clothes or other fabrics should not be packed in tightly in either robes or drawers.
- Do not close internal doors between rooms but leave open so that air can circulate.
- Consider removing the curtains, folding and leaving in a central position in the home. If you don’t wish to remove curtains leave them open. Sunlight does help to warm the van and alleviate dampness.
There are various means by which air moisture can be reduced and the obvious and most effective method is a dehumidifier although this would mean that the power would have to remain switched on. The use of an appropriate capacity sized dehumidifier placed centrally, and all internal doors and air vents left open it is possible to control and to reduce condensation throughout the holiday home. A dehumidifier should never be placed close to an external wall.
Alternative methods which can help to reduce moisture are:
- Silica Gel crystals (Often only effective in small spaces such as cupboards)
- Bowls of salt
- Bowls of cat litter
- (The salt and cat litter are often mixed by the owners with washing powder which will help to alleviate the musty/damp smell the occurs when vans are closed for the colder months).
- Dehumidifier tubs or sachets. (Often only effective in small spaces such as cupboards)
- Bowls of baking soda or charcoal. (Again, only effective in small spaces such as cupboards, and not as effective as salt or cat litter).
Exterior Checks
- Check the anchorage points underneath are secure and in good condition.
- Check the roof is clear of any debris such as leaves.
- Check the roof for damage.
- Make sure the gutters are clean and cleared and are in good condition with no leaks.
- Clearing any foliage away from the exterior of your holiday home will help with air flow.
- Check lagging on pipes and if not complete and in good condition replace it.
- Check the exterior for any loose joints or gaps and ensure that they are made watertight.
This may seem like a lot to do but remember prevention is always better than the cure.
Lastly check your insurance to make sure that you have covered any specific requirements of the policy.