According to experts at the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization), a third of the world’s food production depends on bees. Bees pollinate vegetation which supports other insects, that then in turn supports bats, birds, mammals, and everything else further up the food chain. Bees are also a fantastic indicator for the condition of our global environment. Their decline has been caused by a combination of reasons, climate breakdown being a substantial factor of this. This is why it’s more important than ever to be as sustainable as possible.
There are over 20,000 known species of bees worldwide, 270 of those have been documented in the UK.
Now to the important stuff, what to do if you find bees in your house, holiday home or lodge! Summer is the perfect weather for bees, plenty of flowers to gather nectar from and new queens tend to start up colonies in the summer in sheltered areas, hence why you may find them in trees, under floorboards or in your garage or shed. The first and most important thing to do is to confirm that the colony is bees and not wasps. Next, you should contact your local beekeeper association as they will know how to correctly remove and rehouse the colony or advise you on how best to deal with the situation.
If you happen to stumble across a lone bee on the ground or in your house that looks tired, try move it somewhere safe and away from any possible hazards. Giving the bee a solution of water and sugar on a teaspoon will give it energy and may save the little bee’s life! Remember under no circumstances should the bee be given honey as this can carry harmful viruses.
There are plenty of resources online if you are wanting any further information. Remember to always do your research and BEE safe when attempting to handle or rescue a single bee or colony!